Sunday, October 17, 2010

30 Days Of Me - Day Eighteen

Plans/dreams/goals you have

My far out crazy dream is to run a literary themed backpackers or B&B one day. I'm not sure if I will ever do it, I'm not particularly business savvy at all. Still it is a dream.
Plans and goals.. well my rooftop garden being successful is a medium term goal with the long term one being that I keep it up.
I guess another dream/goal/plan is to be a published writer, even it is an article somewhere. It is something I haven't really worked much towards so that's another plan. Finish things I start.

I plan to get married though not sure if I want kids (I do want pets so when we move elsewhere we will be parents to fur babies)

There's some more.. read more books, clear my TBR piles, get organised and get fit. Also to be a better cook and learn to bake more.

