Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Kick Ass

Well so much for updating regularly, I was intending to post every few days or so but for some unknown reason (probably slackness) I haven't updated for a while.

Updates since then have been that I have not being doing so well with the ol' Script Frenzy. I changed my story idea which helped but then my enthusiasm for the whole thing just kind of collapsed. However I am still giving my full support to Erik (have even offered to work on his script with him if he gets stuck) and am still attending the write-ins.

A couple of Saturdays ago I went to see Kick Ass with Erik and a couple of friends. Erik has been in a rabid fanboy frenzy about this movie ever since he first heard about it. We've both read the comic collection (looking forward to future issues too) and looked forward to seeing the film.

I'm not sure how many other countries the film has an R18 rating in. I had a good laugh during a walk recently in Newmarket where I saw a poster next to the Kick Ass movie poster stating that if you were under 18 and wanted to see the movie, you can't. Then again I remember being underage and wanting to see certain movies, being frustrated that I couldn't.. well until the DVD release anyway. I think they had DVDs then..

The movie is quite violent and while it is funny in parts some of it is kinda dark. However I enjoyed it and laughed, cheered and even went 'aww' at a few scenes. Definitely not a movie for everyone but one for those who enjoy action/comedy/superhero movies who are not easily offended.

Erik is planning on seeing it again on Tuesday so I might be able to update this post with more thoughts after we go and see it again. There's also some other movies coming out soon that I am looking forward to seeing.

In other news tomorrow I am heading up to the Bay of Islands for a work famil aboard the overnight cruise ship Ipipiri. Working in the travel and tourism industry rocks!
Sunday, April 4, 2010

Script Frenzy April 2010 - Day Four

Well I was a bad writer and didn't even touch my script yesterday though I did make a few notes about characters and where I wanted the story to go.

I have been thinking about the reasons why I have been struggling so much with writing a script and I have come to the conclusion that maybe it isn't script writing that I am struggling with but this script in particular.

One of the reasons is that I can't just fly through it like I did with NaNoWriMo, writing anything that came to mind. Of course with my NaNoWriMo project I did a bit more planning and had an idea of where things were going to end up. Now I know that an outline is important for this but when I have sat down to write it I can see the beginning and the end, plus some of the stuff that happens on the way but tying it all together baffles me.

Also the script I am working on is not really anything like the graphic novels and comics that I have enjoyed reading. Some of my favourite comics are fairly edgy and for a mature audience, my script and plans for it are very tame by comparison.

Then probably the most important one is that I'm finding it hard to get to know and ultimately like my characters. Zeke and Skeeter were a lot of fun to write in my NaNoWriMo as supporting characters - Zeke was the wise mentor who always had a lot of good advice and I had a lot of fun writing Skeeter even though he didn't feature as much as Zeke. Writing them now in this prequel they don't seem as interesting to me.

So what I am I going to do, considering that I am a couple of days behind with my page count already? Well I have decided to start another script, the one that I was intending to write before I thought to write my current script. It will be another graphic novel script but I have a far clearer idea for it and the main character is one that has been around in my head (but rarely in written form) for 8 years now.
Thursday, April 1, 2010

Script Frenzy April 2010 - Day One

So today was the kick off for Script Frenzy, a month long script writing challenge in which the goal is to write 100 pages of script before the end of April.

I took part in NaNoWriMo for the first time last year and managed to reach the goal of 50,000 words but still have not actually completed my novel. Reading it now most of it still makes me cringe but there are some good parts which I am quite proud of.

My script for Script Frenzy is sort of a prequel to my NaNoWriMo novel which was about the formation of a Christian ska band. The script I am writing for Script Frenzy will be a graphic novel script (just the script so far, my art skills are terrible) about some of the secondary characters from my NaNoWriMo novel, the band Cross Affiliation who acted as mentors to the members of the ska band.

Writing a script is a completely new thing for me and I will admit I am finding it a little difficult but I am sure that I will soon get the hang of it. I am using a free program called Celtx which is specially designed for scripts which is fairly simple to use with some good features.

I'm attending a Script Frenzy kick-off party tonight which I am looking forward to. I enjoyed attending the write-ins for NaNoWriMo and some of the same people will be along tonight.
